The boundary of Mount Rainier National Park is modified to include the area within the boundary generally depicted on the map entitled "Mount Rainier National Park, Carbon River Boundary Adjustment", numbered 105/92,002B, and dated June 2003. The Secretary of the Interior shall keep the map on file in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service.
The Secretary of the Interior may acquire, only with the consent of the owner, by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or exchange-
(1) land or interests in land, totaling not more than 800 acres, and improvements thereon within the boundary generally depicted on the map referred to in subsection (a) for development of camping and other recreational facilities; and
(2) land or interests in land, totaling not more than one acre, and improvements thereon in the vicinity of Wilkeson, Washington, for a facility to serve visitors to public lands along the Carbon and Mowich Corridors.
Lands acquired under this section shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior as part of Mount Rainier National Park in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
For short title of
"(1) The Carbon River watershed within Pierce County in the State of Washington has unique qualities of ecological, economic, and educational importance, including clean water, productive salmon streams, important wildlife habitat, active geologic processes, outdoor recreational opportunities, scenic beauty, educational opportunities, and diverse economic opportunities.
"(2) Mount Rainier National Park is one of the premier attractions in the State of Washington, providing recreational, educational, and economic opportunities that will be enhanced by the construction of new campgrounds and visitor contact facilities in the Carbon River valley outside old-growth forest habitats and above the flood plain.
"(3) Coordination of management across national forest and national park lands in this corridor will enhance the conservation of the forest ecosystem and public enjoyment of these public lands.
"(4) Protection and development of historic and recreational facilities in the Carbon River valley, such as trails and visitor centers, can be facilitated by the National Park Service."