Tolerances for size.

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§ 51.2285 Tolerances for size.

(a) All percentages shall be calculated on the basis of weight.

(b) In order to allow for variations incident to proper sizing and handling, tolerances shall be permitted for the respective size classifications as indicated in Table III:

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Table III


Size classification Tolerances for size
Smaller than three-fourths halves Will not pass through 2464 inch round hole Pass through 2464 inch round hole Pass through 1664 inch round hole Pass through 864 inch round hole
Halves 5 1 (included in 5 percent)
Pieces and halves1 18 3 (included in 18 percent) 1 (included in 2 percent).
Pieces 25 5 (included in 25 percent) 1 (included in 5 percent).
Small pieces2 10 2.

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