Form N-17D-1, report filed by small business investment company (SBIC) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and an affiliated bank, with respect to investments by the SBIC and the bank, submitted pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of § 270.17d-1 of this chapter.

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§ 274.200 Form N-17D-1, report filed by small business investment company (SBIC) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and an affiliated bank, with respect to investments by the SBIC and the bank, submitted pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of § 270.17d-1 of this chapter.

This form shall be filed pursuant to Rule 17d-2 (§ 270.17d-2 of this chapter) as the report required, under subparagraph (d)(3) of Rule 17d-1 (§ 270.17d-1(d)(3) of this chapter), to be filed, either jointly or separately, by a small business investment company (SBIC) licensed as such under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, and by a bank which is an affiliated person of either the SBIC or of an affiliated person of the SBIC, with respect to investments in a small business concern by the SBIC and the bank.

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