Beginning no earlier than 24 months after the issuance of a final guidance issued after public notice and opportunity for comment, submissions under subsection (b), (i), or (j) of section 355 of this title or subsection (a) or (k) of section 262 of title 42 shall be submitted in such electronic format as specified by the Secretary in such guidance.
In the guidance under paragraph (1), the Secretary may-
(A) provide a timetable for establishment by the Secretary of further standards for electronic submission as required by such paragraph; and
(B) set forth criteria for waivers of and exemptions from the requirements of this subsection.
This subsection shall not apply to submissions described in section 360bbb of this title.
Beginning after the issuance of final guidance implementing this paragraph, presubmissions and submissions for devices under section 360(k), 360c(f)(2)(A), 360e(c), 360e(d), 360e(f), 360j(g), 360j(m), or 360bbb–3 of this title or section 262 of title 42, and any supplements to such presubmissions or submissions, shall include an electronic copy of such presubmissions or submissions.
In the guidance under paragraph (1), the Secretary may-
(A) provide standards for the electronic copy required under such paragraph; and
(B) set forth criteria for waivers of and exemptions from the requirements of this subsection.
Beginning on such date as the Secretary specifies in final guidance issued under subparagraph (C), presubmissions and submissions for devices described in paragraph (1) (and any appeals of action taken by the Secretary with respect to such presubmissions or submissions) shall be submitted solely in such electronic format as specified by the Secretary in such guidance.
The Secretary shall, not later than October 1, 2019, issue draft guidance providing for-
(i) any further standards for the submission by electronic format required under subparagraph (A);
(ii) a timetable for the establishment by the Secretary of such further standards; and
(iii) criteria for waivers of and exemptions from the requirements of this subsection.
The Secretary shall, not later than 1 year after the close of the public comment period on the draft guidance issued under subparagraph (B), issue final guidance.
(June 25, 1938, ch. 675, §745A, as added
2017-Subsec. (b)(3).
Amendment by title II of