There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a Bonneville Power Administration fund (hereinafter referred to as the "fund"). The fund shall consist of (1) all receipts, collections, and recoveries of the Administrator in cash from all sources, including trust funds, (2) all proceeds derived from the sale of bonds by the Administrator, (3) any appropriations made by the Congress for the fund, and (4) the following funds which are hereby transferred to the Administrator: (i) all moneys in the special account in the Treasury established pursuant to Executive Order Numbered 8526 dated August 26, 1940, (ii) the unexpended balances in the continuing fund established by the provisions of section 832j of this title, and (iii) the unexpended balances of funds appropriated or otherwise made available for the Bonneville Power Administration. All funds transferred hereunder shall be available for expenditure by the Secretary of Energy, acting by and through the Administrator, as authorized in this chapter and any other Act relating to the Federal Columbia River transmission system, subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by any applicable appropriation act effective during such period as may elapse between their transfer and the approval by the Congress of the first subsequent annual budget program of the Administrator.
The Administrator may make expenditures from the fund, which shall have been included in his annual budget submitted to Congress, without further appropriation and without fiscal year limitation, but within such specific directives or limitations as may be included in appropriation acts, for any purpose necessary or appropriate to carry out the duties imposed upon the Administrator pursuant to law, including but not limited to-
(1) construction, acquisition, and replacement of (i) the transmission system, including facilities and structures appurtenant thereto, and (ii) additions, improvements, and betterments thereto (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as "transmission system");
(2) operation, maintenance, repair, and relocation, to the extent such relocation is not provided for under subsection (1) above, of the transmission system;
(3) electrical research, development, experimentation, test, and investigation related to construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission systems and facilities;
(4) marketing of electric power;
(5) transmission over facilities of others and rental, lease, or lease-purchase of facilities;
(6) purchase of electric power (including the entitlement of electric plant capability) (i) on a short-term basis to meet temporary deficiencies in electric power which the Administrator is obligated by contract to supply, or 1 (ii) if such purchase has been heretofore authorized or is made with funds expressly appropriated for such purchase by the Congress, (iii) if to be paid for with funds provided by other entities for such purpose under a trust or agency arrangement, or (iv) on a short term basis to meet the Administrator's obligations under section 4(h) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act [16 U.S.C. 839b(h)];
(7) defraying emergency expenses or insuring continuous operation;
(8) paying the interest on, premiums, discounts, and expenses, if any, in connection with the issuance of, and principal of all bonds issued under section 838k(a) of this title, including provision for and maintenance of reserve and other funds established in connection therewith;
(9) making such payments to the credit of the reclamation fund or other funds as are required by or pursuant to law to be made into such funds in connection with reclamation projects in the Pacific Northwest: Provided, That this clause shall not be construed as permitting the use of revenues for repayment of costs allocated to irrigation at any project except as otherwise expressly authorized by law;
(10) making payments to the credit of miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury for all unpaid costs required by or pursuant to law to be charged to and returned to the general fund of the Treasury for the repayment of the Federal investment in the Federal Columbia River Power System from electric power marketed by the Administrator;
(11) acquiring such goods and services, and paying dues and membership fees in such professional, utility, industry, and other societies, associations, and institutes, together with expenses related to such memberships, including but not limited to the acquisitions and payments set forth in the general provisions of the annual appropriations Act for the Department of Energy, as the Administrator determines to be necessary or appropriate in carrying out the purposes of this chapter; and
(12) making such payments, as shall be required to carry out the purposes and provisions of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act [16 U.S.C. 839 et seq.].
Moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated shall be used only for the purposes for which appropriated, and moneys received by the Administrator in trust shall be used only for carrying out such trust. The provisions of chapter 91 of title 31 shall be applicable to the Administrator in the same manner as they are applied to the wholly owned Government corporations named in section 9101 of title 31, but nothing in section 9105(d) 2 of title 31 shall be construed as affecting the powers granted in subsection (b)(11) of this section and in sections 832a(f), 832i(b), and 832k(a) of this title.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 9105 and 9106 of title 31, the financial transactions of the Administrator shall be audited by the Comptroller General at such times and to such extent as the Comptroller General deems necessary, and reports of the results of each such audit shall be made to the Congress within 6½ months following the end of the fiscal year covered by the audit.
Executive Order Numbered 8526 dated August 26, 1940, referred to in subsec. (a), is not classified to the Code.
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, referred to in subsec. (b)(12), is
Section 9105 of title 31, referred to in subsec. (c), was amended generally by
In subsec. (c), "chapter 91 of title 31", "section 9101 of title 31", and "section 9105(d) of title 31" substituted for "the Government Corporation Control Act (31 U.S.C. 841 et seq.)", "section 101 of such Act (31 U.S.C. 846)", and "the proviso in section 850 of title 31, United States Code,", respectively, on authority of
In subsec. (d), "sections 9105 and 9106 of title 31" substituted for "sections 105 and 106 of the Government Corporation Control Act [31 U.S.C. 850, 851]" on authority of
1980-Subsec. (b)(6)(iv).
Subsec. (b)(12).
Amendment by
"Secretary of Energy" substituted for "Secretary of the Interior" in subsec. (a) and "Department of Energy" substituted for "Department of Interior" in subsec. (b)(11) pursuant to
Functions of Secretary of the Interior with respect to Bonneville Power Administration transferred to Secretary of Energy by section 7152(a)(1)(D), (2) of Title 42, with Bonneville Power Administration to be preserved as a distinct organizational entity within Department of Energy and headed by an Administrator.
1 So in original. The word "or" probably should not appear.
2 See References in Text note below.