Except as provided in section 3505 of this title, no new expenditures or new financial assistance may be made available under authority of any Federal law for any purpose within the System, including, but not limited to-
(1) the construction or purchase of any structure, appurtenance, facility, or related infrastructure;
(2) the construction or purchase of any road, airport, boat landing facility, or other facility on, or bridge or causeway to, any System unit; and
(3) the carrying out of any project to prevent the erosion of, or to otherwise stabilize, any inlet, shoreline, or inshore area, except that such assistance and expenditures may be made available on units designated pursuant to section 3503 of this title on maps numbered S01 through S08 and LA07 for purposes other than encouraging development and, in all units, in cases where an emergency threatens life, land, and property immediately adjacent to that unit.
An expenditure or financial assistance made available under authority of Federal law shall, for purposes of this chapter, be a new expenditure or new financial assistance if-
(1) in any case with respect to which specific appropriations are required, no money for construction or purchase purposes was appropriated before the date on which the relevant System unit or portion of the System unit was included within the System under this chapter or the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990; or
(2) no legally binding commitment for the expenditure or financial assistance was made before such date.
The Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), is
1990-Subsec. (a).
Subsec. (a)(3).
Subsec. (b)(1).
Subsec. (b)(2).