Clubs Outside Corporate Limits

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Sec. 3. Clubs Outside Corporate Limits. The commission may issue the appropriate permit upon the application of a club whose premises to be licensed are situated outside the corporate limits of an incorporated city or town if the club meets the following additional requirements:

(a) The club has been duly organized for social, athletic, or outdoor exercise purposes;

(b) The club requires and receives an annual membership fee of at least six dollars ($6.00);

(c) The club has an investment of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000), in addition to investment in buildings, in grounds or fields especially prepared for athletic or physical exercise;

(d) The grounds or fields have been especially prepared for use for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the filing of the application for the permit; and,

(e) The grounds or fields have been patronized and used regularly during seasonable weather for physical exercise.

[Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-3(c).]

Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1.

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