Compromise of Claim; Petition to Court; Settlement; Access to Confidential Exhibits

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Sec. 7. (a) Whenever it is proposed to compromise any claim by or against a protected person or the protected person's property, the court, on petition of the guardian, may enter an order authorizing the compromise to be made if satisfied that the compromise will be in the best interest of the protected person.

(b) Whenever a minor has a disputed claim against another person, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise, and a guardian for the minor and the minor's property has not been appointed, the parents of the minor may compromise the claim. However, before the compromise is valid, it must be approved by the court upon filing of a petition requesting the court's approval. If the court approves the compromise, it may direct that the settlement be paid in accordance with IC 29-3-3-1. If IC 29-3-3-1 is not applicable, the court shall require that a guardian be appointed and that the settlement be delivered to the guardian upon the terms that the court directs.

(c) Any exhibit demonstrating a compromise on behalf of a protected person or a minor and any testimony related to such compromise that is offered or admitted into evidence in a legal proceeding commenced under this section shall be maintained by the court as a confidential court record. The confidential exhibits and record may not be used in any other proceeding or for any other person.

(d) Subsection (c) does not prohibit the following persons from having access to the confidential exhibits and record for the purpose of learning, confirming, and enforcing the economic terms of the compromise, for the purpose of enforcing or modifying any trust that is funded under the compromise, or for the purpose of obtaining a qualified order with respect to a structured settlement under IC 34-50-2 and 26 U.S.C. 5891(b):

(1) The attorney of record for the incapacitated person or minor.

(2) A guardian or guardian ad litem appointed for the incapacitated person or minor by a court of competent jurisdiction, and the attorney, if any, for the guardian or guardian ad litem.

(3) Each current trustee or trust director that participates in the administration of a trust funded under the compromise and the attorneys of record for each current trustee or trust director.

(4) A prospective successor trustee or successor trust director that is proposed to serve in the administration of a trust funded under the compromise.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.56-2020, SEC.7.

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