Sale or Transfer of Guardianship Property Contrary to Terms of Protected Person's Will; Election of Devisee

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Sec. 6. If:

(1) a guardian sells or transfers during a protected person's lifetime property belonging to the protected person that is specifically devised to another in a will executed by the protected person;

(2) the protected person subsequently dies; and

(3) the devised property is consequently not contained in the protected person's estate following the death of the protected person;

the devisee may, at the devisee's option, elect to receive the value of the devised property, as valued at the time of death of the protected person, as a general devise or the proceeds of the sale or transfer as a specific devise.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.33-1989, SEC.72; P.L.252-2001, SEC.28.

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