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Sec. 3. (a) A volunteer advocates for seniors and incapacitated adults program shall:

(1) serve as a guardian to represent and protect the best interests of an incapacitated person or senior including the person's property;

(2) investigate and gather information regarding the health, welfare, and financial circumstances of the incapacitated person or senior, as directed by a court;

(3) facilitate and authorize health care, social welfare, and residential placement services as needed by the incapacitated person or senior;

(4) advocate for the rights of the incapacitated person or senior;

(5) facilitate legal representation for the incapacitated person or senior;

(6) provide the court with the required reports under section 2 of this chapter; and

(7) perform any other responsibilities required by the court.

(b) A volunteer advocates for seniors and incapacitated adults program has the duties of the guardian of a minor listed in IC 29-3-8-1 and IC 29-3-8-3.

As added by P.L.41-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.11-2006, SEC.4; P.L.72-2010, SEC.7; P.L.4-2020, SEC.7.

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