Progress Reports; Final Report

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Sec. 2. A volunteer advocates for seniors and incapacitated adults program shall submit to the court:

(1) a progress report thirty (30) days after the date of appointment describing:

(A) the matters required by the court; and

(B) the:

(i) current physical and mental condition;

(ii) residential placement;

(iii) person centered care plan; and

(iv) property, and any property related issues;

of the senior or the incapacitated adult;

(2) a progress report sixty (60) days after the date of appointment:

(A) describing the matters required by the court; and

(B) that includes a verified inventory describing the property, and any property related issues, of the incapacitated adult or senior;

(3) a progress report or final report ninety (90) days after the date of appointment:

(A) describing the matters required by the court;

(B) describing the person centered care plan; and

(C) making recommendations to the court as to whether the need continues to exist for the appointment of a guardian of the incapacitated adult or senior;

(4) an annual progress report on the anniversary date of the appointment if the appointment of the volunteer advocate is continued by the court for more than one (1) year:

(A) describing the matters required by the court;

(B) describing the:

(i) current physical and mental condition;

(ii) residential placement;

(iii) person centered care plan; and

(iv) property, and any property related issues;

of the senior or the incapacitated adult; and

(C) making recommendations to the court as to whether the need continues to exist for the appointment of a guardian of the incapacitated adult or senior; and

(5) upon the death of the incapacitated person, a final report and financial accounting:

(A) describing the incapacitated person's:

(i) final physical and mental condition;

(ii) cause of death;

(iii) last residential placement; and

(iv) final burial arrangements;

(B) stating the actions taken by the program regarding the:

(i) person's care and custody; and

(ii) preservation of the person's property;

(C) making recommendations to the court to close the guardianship of the person; and

(D) containing all other matters required by the court.

As added by P.L.41-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.11-2006, SEC.3; P.L.72-2010, SEC.6; P.L.4-2020, SEC.6.

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