Powers Which Guardian May Exercise

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Sec. 2. (a) The guardian of a minor may exercise all of the powers required to perform the guardian's responsibilities, including the following:

(1) The power to receive property payable to the minor or the minor's parent, guardian, or custodian from any source, including any statutory benefit, insurance system, or private contract, devise, trust, or custodianship.

(2) The power to take custody of the person of the minor and establish the minor's place of abode within or without Indiana if in accordance with IC 29-3-9-2.

(3) The power to institute proceedings or take other appropriate action to compel the performance by any person of a duty to support the minor or to pay for the minor's education, health, or welfare.

(4) The power to consent to medical or other professional care and treatment for the minor's health and welfare.

(5) The power to consent to the marriage or adoption of the minor.

(6) If reasonable, the power to delegate to the minor certain responsibilities for decisions affecting the minor's business affairs and well-being.

(7) The power to purchase a home for the minor or the minor's dependents, to protect the minor's existing home, or to protect the minor's interest in any real estate in which the minor may have an interest, contractual or otherwise, or to purchase any other interest in real property where the court finds the purchase to be in the minor's best interest.

(8) The powers with respect to the guardianship property as are granted to a guardian under section 4 of this chapter with respect to guardianship property.

(9) The power to bind all or any part of the guardianship property in a transaction for the benefit of the minor unless the third party dealing with the guardian is acting in bad faith.

(10) If the minor has no living parent, other than a parent who is an incapacitated person, the powers granted to the parent of a minor under IC 29-3-3-3(1) through IC 29-3-3-3(8).

(b) The guardian (other than a temporary guardian) of an incapacitated person has all of the powers to perform the guardian's responsibilities, including the powers with respect to the incapacitated person and the incapacitated person's property regardless of where the property is located, that are granted to the guardian of a minor enumerated in subsection (a)(1) through (a)(9).

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.264-1989, SEC.11.

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