Access of Guardian to Digital Assets; Power Conferred by Court

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Sec. 10. (a) IC 32-39-2-11 applies to the right of a guardian to access:

(1) the content of an electronic communication;

(2) a catalogue of electronic communications; or

(3) any other digital asset;

of a protected person.

(b) This article:

(1) does not confer upon a guardian the power to access:

(A) the content of an electronic communication;

(B) a catalogue of electronic communications; or

(C) any other digital asset;

of a protected person unless a court expressly confers the power upon the guardian under IC 29-3-9-4.1; and

(2) confers upon a guardian the power to access:

(A) the content of an electronic communication;

(B) a catalogue of electronic communications; or

(C) any other digital asset;

of a protected person only to the extent that the court expressly confers the power upon the guardian under IC 29-3-9-4.1.

(c) For purposes of section 8 of this chapter, a power expressly conferred by a court upon a guardian under IC 29-3-9-4.1 is considered an additional responsibility and power within the meaning of section 8(a)(1) of this chapter.

As added by P.L.137-2016, SEC.6.

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