Notice; Form and Contents; Copy of Petition to Be Attached

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Sec. 2. A copy of the petition shall be attached to the notice, and the notice must be in substantially the following form:


TO: (name and address of person receiving notice)

On (date of hearing) at (time of hearing) in (place of hearing) at (city), Indiana, the (name and address of court) will hold a hearing to determine whether a guardian should be appointed or a protective order should be issued for (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor). A copy of the petition requesting appointment of a guardian or for the issuance of a protective order is attached to this notice.

At the hearing the court will determine whether (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor) is an incapacitated person or minor under Indiana law. This proceeding may substantially affect the rights of (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor).

If the court finds that (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor) is an incapacitated person or minor, the court at the hearing shall also consider whether (name of proposed guardian, if any) should be appointed as guardian of (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor). The court may, in its discretion, appoint some other qualified person as guardian. The court may also, in its discretion, limit the powers and duties of the guardian to allow (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor) to retain control over certain property and activities. The court may also determine whether a protective order should be entered on behalf of (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor).

(Name of alleged incapacitated person) may attend the hearing and be represented by an attorney. The petition may be heard and determined in the absence of (name of alleged incapacitated person) if the court determines that the presence of (name of alleged incapacitated person) is not required. If (name of alleged incapacitated person) attends the hearing, opposes the petition, and is not represented by an attorney, the court may appoint an attorney to represent (name of alleged incapacitated person). The court may, where required, appoint a guardian ad litem to represent (name of alleged incapacitated person or minor) at the hearing.

The court may, on its own motion or on request of any interested person, postpone the hearing to another date and time.


(signature of clerk of the court)

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.264-1989, SEC.9; P.L.77-1992, SEC.6; P.L.6-2010, SEC.11.

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