Submissions to the Court; Court Requests for Information

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Sec. 7. (a) If a person files a petition to establish or modify guardianship of a minor, any person who:

(1) is a party to the guardianship proceeding; and

(2) has knowledge that:

(A) a party to the guardianship proceeding has been determined to be a perpetrator of a substantiated report of child abuse or neglect;

(B) the child named in the petition has been the subject of a substantiated report of child abuse or neglect;

(C) the child named in the petition has been determined to be a child in need of services under IC 31-34; or

(D) the child named in the petition has been involved in an informal adjustment under IC 31-34-8;

shall submit to the court in writing under seal that a party to the guardianship proceeding is a person described in subdivision (2)(A) or the child named in the petition is a child described in subdivision (2)(B), (2)(C), or (2)(D).

(b) A court reviewing a petition to establish or modify a guardianship may request information from the department of child services regarding a petition or proceeding described in subsection (a)(2). The department shall provide a response under seal to the court's request for information not later than ten (10) days after the department receives the court's request for the information.

As added by P.L.239-2013, SEC.1.

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