Application of Decedents' Estates Law to Guardianships and Protected Persons

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Sec. 6. (a) The applicable rules regarding decedents' estates in IC 29-1-7 through IC 29-1-17 apply to guardianships and protective proceedings under IC 29-3-4 when consistent with this article and IC 29-1-19.

(b) IC 29-1-1-6 through IC 29-1-1-7, IC 29-1-1-9 through IC 29-1-1-10, IC 29-1-1-12 through IC 29-1-1-14, IC 29-1-1-16 through IC 29-1-1-18, and IC 29-1-1-20 through IC 29-1-1-24 apply to guardianships under this article and IC 29-1-19.

(c) This article extends to persons specifically provided for under IC 29-1-19. The provisions of this article are cumulative to the provisions of IC 29-1-19. A conflict arising between this article and IC 29-1-19 is resolved by giving effect to the law stated in IC 29-1-19 in cases to which it applies.

(d) The provisions of IC 29-1-15 concerning the sale of decedents' property apply to the sale of protected persons' property.

(e) The provisions of IC 29-1-16 concerning accounting in decedents' estates apply to accounting in protected persons' estates that are consistent with this article.

(f) The provisions of IC 29-1-14-2, IC 29-1-14-10, IC 29-1-14-11, IC 29-1-14-12, IC 29-1-14-13, and IC 29-1-14-17 concerning claims against decedents' estates apply to claims against protected persons' estates.

As added by P.L.264-1989, SEC.3.

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