Venue for Appointment of Guardian; Stay of Proceedings; Transfer of Proceedings

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Sec. 2. (a) The venue for the appointment of a guardian or for protective proceedings is as follows:

(1) If the alleged incapacitated person or minor resides in Indiana, venue is:

(A) in the county where the alleged incapacitated person or minor resides; or

(B) if the proceeding is for the appointment of a temporary guardian of the person for an alleged incapacitated person or minor who is in need of medical care, in the county where a facility is located that is providing or attempting to provide medical care to the alleged incapacitated person or minor.

(2) If the alleged incapacitated person or minor does not reside in Indiana, then venue is in any county where any property of the alleged incapacitated person or minor is located. However, if the proceeding is for the appointment of a temporary guardian of the person for an alleged incapacitated person or minor who is in need of medical care, venue is in the county where the facility providing or attempting to provide medical care is located.

(3) If the alleged incapacitated person is an adult (as defined in IC 29-3.5-1-2(1)), venue is determined under the laws of the state or country having jurisdiction under IC 29-3.5-2. However, if a court in Indiana has jurisdiction under IC 29-3.5-2, the rules for determining venue set forth in this section apply.

(b) If proceedings are commenced in more than one (1) county, they shall be stayed except in the county where first commenced until final determination of the proper venue by the court in the county where first commenced. After proper venue has been determined, all proceedings in any county other than the county where jurisdiction has been finally determined to exist shall be dismissed. If the proper venue is finally determined to be in another county, the court shall transmit the original file to the proper county. The proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the court, and the proceeding first commenced extends to all of the property of the minor or the incapacitated person unless otherwise ordered by the court.

(c) If it appears to the court at any time that:

(1) the proceeding was commenced in the wrong county;

(2) the residence of the incapacitated person or the minor has been changed to another county;

(3) the proper venue is determined to be otherwise under the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure; or

(4) it would be in the best interest of the incapacitated person or the minor and the property of the minor or the incapacitated person;

the court may order the proceeding, together with all papers, files, and a certified copy of all orders, transferred to another court in Indiana. That court shall complete the proceeding as if originally commenced in that court. The court may in like manner transfer a guardianship or protective proceeding in Indiana to a court outside Indiana if the other court assumes jurisdiction to complete the proceeding as if originally commenced in that court. Before any transfer is made under this subsection, a hearing pursuant to notice shall be held in the same manner as provided with respect to the appointment of a guardian.

(d) Where a guardian has been appointed by a court that does not have probate jurisdiction, the matter shall be transferred in accordance with the proper venue to a court having probate jurisdiction for qualification of the guardian and for further proceedings in the guardianship.

(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed as a requirement of jurisdiction.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.33-1989, SEC.62; P.L.178-2011, SEC.2.

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