Application of Article; Effect of Amendments to Certain Other Statutes

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Sec. 0.2. (a) As used in this section, "affected statutes" refers to the following:

(1) IC 16-8-12-7 (repealed, now codified at IC 16-36-1-8).

(2) IC 29-1-7.5-2.

(3) IC 33-16-2-2 (repealed, codified at IC 33-42-2-2, also repealed).

(4) IC 33-19-3-2 (repealed, now codified at IC 33-37-3-2).

(5) IC 35-34-2-3.

(6) IC 35-37-1-5.

(b) This article and the amendments made by P.L.169-1988 to the affected statutes apply to guardianships in existence on June 30, 1989, except to the extent that application of this article and the amendments made by P.L.169-1988 to the affected statutes would contravene any vested or contractual rights in effect on June 30, 1989, in which case the law in effect before July 1, 1989, prevails.

As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.481. Amended by P.L.128-2017, SEC.11.

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