Supported Decision Making Agreements; Execution and Revocation

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Sec. 4. (a) An adult may not enter into a supported decision making agreement unless the adult:

(1) enters into the agreement voluntarily and without coercion or undue influence; and

(2) understands the nature and effect of the agreement.

(b) An adult may make, change, or revoke a supported decision making agreement even if the adult does not have the capacity to independently manage the adult's own health care, legal matters, or financial affairs.

(c) A court may not consider an adult's execution of a supported decision making agreement as evidence of incapacity. The existence of an executed supported decision making agreement does not preclude the adult from acting independently of the supported decision making agreement.

(d) An adult may not enter into a supported decision making agreement under this section if the agreement supplants the authority of a guardian of the adult, unless the guardian consents in writing to the adult entering into the supported decision making agreement.

As added by P.L.68-2019, SEC.4.

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