Payment of Debt or Delivery of Property to Foreign Guardian

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Sec. 1. (a) Any person indebted to an incapacitated person or minor, or having possession of property belonging to a minor or incapacitated person, may pay the debt or deliver the property to a foreign guardian appointed by a court of the state in which the incapacitated person or minor resides upon being presented with proof of the foreign guardian's appointment and an affidavit made by the foreign guardian stating the following:

(1) That the foreign guardian does not know of any other guardianship proceeding, relating to the incapacitated person or minor, pending in Indiana.

(2) That the letters of the foreign guardian were duly issued.

(3) In the case of an incapacitated person who is an adult (as defined in IC 29-3.5-1-2(1)), that the foreign guardian does not know of a court in a jurisdiction other than Indiana that has exercised jurisdiction regarding the incapacitated person under a law similar to IC 29-3.5-2.

(4) That the foreign guardian is entitled to receive the payment or delivery.

(b) If the person to whom the affidavit is presented does not know of any other guardianship proceeding pending in Indiana, payment or delivery in response to the demand and affidavit discharges the debtor or possessor from any further liability.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.33-1989, SEC.81; P.L.178-2011, SEC.7.

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