Minimum Period to Maintain Incapacitated Person Status; Petition to Terminate Guardianship or Protective Order; Penalty

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Sec. 3. An order adjudicating a person as an incapacitated person may specify a minimum period, not exceeding one (1) year, during which a petition for an adjudication that the protected person is no longer an incapacitated person may not be filed without court approval. Subject to that restriction, the protected person or any other person may petition for an order that the protected person is no longer an incapacitated person and for termination of the guardianship or protective order. A request for an order may also be made informally to the court. Any person who knowingly interferes with transmission of the request is guilty of contempt of court.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.33-1989, SEC.80.

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