Contracts Entered Into in Good Faith; Personal Liability of Guardian; Liability for Acts or Omissions; Proceeding to Determine Liability

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Sec. 2. (a) Unless otherwise provided in the contract, a guardian or person acting under a protective order is not personally liable on a contract entered into in good faith under the order, unless that person fails to reveal that person's representative capacity and identify that person's capacity in the contract.

(b) Subject to subsection (a), a guardian or person acting under a protective order is not personally liable to the protected person or others for any act or omission in good faith or for any act or omission of the protected person or others acting on behalf of the protected person.

(c) The guardian or person acting under a protective order is personally liable to the protected person for acts or omissions in the course of the administration of the trust of the guardian or person acting under a protective order only for a breach of duty to the protected person.

(d) Any question of liability of the guardian or person acting under a protective order personally to the protected person may be determined in a proceeding for accounting, surcharge, indemnification, or other appropriate proceeding or action.

As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1.

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