Requirements for Dental Hygiene Services; Subsequent Therapeutic Procedures

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Sec. 5. (a) A dental hygienist who meets the following requirements may provide preventive dental hygiene services directly to a patient without a prior examination, presence, or authorization of the access practice dentist:

(1) The dental hygienist is licensed under IC 25-13-1.

(2) The dental hygienist has at least two thousand (2,000) documented clinical hours of dental hygiene services during two (2) years of active practice under the direct supervision of a dentist.

(3) The dental hygienist has entered into an access practice agreement that meets the requirements under section 6 of this chapter with a licensed dentist.

(4) The dental hygienist maintains liability insurance that meets the requirements under section 10 of this chapter.

(5) Before providing dental hygiene services to a patient under an access practice agreement, the dental hygienist has obtained a signed consent form that includes the information under section 11 of this chapter.

(6) The dental hygienist has met any other requirements of this chapter.

(b) A dental hygienist who meets the requirements under subsection (a) and has provided preventive dental hygiene services directly to a patient under an access practice agreement may not perform subsequent therapeutic procedures on the patient under an access practice agreement until after the access practice dentist has performed a clinical evaluation of the patient.

As added by P.L.30-2018, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.90-2019, SEC.13.

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