"Building Law"

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Sec. 3. "Building law" means any equipment law or other law governing any of the following:

(1) Fabrication of an industrialized building system or mobile structure for installation, assembly, or use at another site.

(2) Construction, addition, or alteration of any part of a Class 1 or Class 2 structure at the site where the structure will be used.

(3) Assembly of an industrialized building system or mobile structure that is covered by neither subdivision (1) nor (2).

(4) Sanitary conditions and sanitary facilities:

(A) in Class I structures, or portions of Class I structures that are used for educating at least six (6) persons at any one (1) time, from any grade level or combination of grade levels from grade 1 through grade 12; and

(B) on the grounds of a structure described in clause (A).

As added by P.L.245-1987, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.222-1989, SEC.2; P.L.22-2005, SEC.31; P.L.86-2015, SEC.4.

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