"Regulated Amusement Device"

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Sec. 19.1. (a) "Regulated amusement device" means a device designed to carry or convey one (1) or more persons in one (1) or more planes or degrees of motion for the purpose of amusement, recreation, or entertainment.

(b) The term includes the following:

(1) An amusement ride.

(2) A ski lift.

(3) A passenger tramway.

(4) An aerial tramway or lift.

(5) A surface lift or tow.

(6) A bull ride simulator.

(7) A bungee jump facility.

(c) The term does not include a passenger operated device or an inflatable amusement chamber.

As added by P.L.1-1990, SEC.241. Amended by P.L.166-1997, SEC.2; P.L.25-2004, SEC.5; P.L.32-2006, SEC.3.

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