Dyslexia Intervention

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Sec. 1. If a student's level I dyslexia screening or level II dyslexia screening indicates the need for dyslexia intervention services for the student, the dyslexia intervention may include:

(1) explicit, direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, and cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of the student without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the student;

(2) individualized instruction to meet the specific needs of the student in a setting that uses intensive, highly concentrated instruction methods and materials that maximize student engagement;

(3) meaning based instruction directed at purposeful reading and writing with an emphasis on comprehension and composition;

(4) instruction that incorporates the simultaneous use of two (2) or more sensory pathways during teacher presentations and student practice; and

(5) other instructional approaches as determined appropriate by the school corporation or charter school.

As added by P.L.95-2018, SEC.2.

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