"Dyslexia Program"

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Sec. 3. "Dyslexia program" means explicit, direct instruction that is:

(1) systematic, sequential, and cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of a student without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the student;

(2) research based; and

(3) offered in a setting to teach a student the components of reading instruction, including:

(A) phonemic awareness to enable a student to detect, segment, blend, and manipulate sounds in spoken language;

(B) graphophonemic knowledge for teaching the letter sound plan of English;

(C) the structure of the English language that includes morphology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics;

(D) linguistic instruction directed toward proficiency and fluency with the patterns of language so that words and sentences are carriers of meaning; and

(E) strategies that a student uses for decoding, encoding, word recognition, fluency, and comprehension.

As added by P.L.95-2018, SEC.2.

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