Tuberculosis and Other Chronic Diseases; Application for Treatment

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Sec. 31. (a) A resident of the county in which the health center is situated who desires treatment and care of tuberculosis or other chronic diseases in the health center may apply in person to the health center or to any physician for examination. If found to be suffering from tuberculosis or other chronic disease, the county resident may apply to the administrator of the health center for admission.

(b) The health center shall provide application forms for the purposes of this section, and the administrator shall forward application forms to a physician in the county upon request. Each application submitted under this section must state facts showing whether the applicant is able to pay, in whole or in part, for the care and treatment the applicant will receive while at the health center.

(c) If it appears on an application submitted under this section that the applicant is suffering from tuberculosis or other chronic disease and if there is a vacancy in the health center, the administrator shall notify the applicant named in the application to appear in person at the health center. If, upon examination of the applicant, the administrator is satisfied that:

(1) the applicant is suffering from tuberculosis or other chronic disease; and

(2) the applicant has made financial arrangements for the applicant's own care and treatment to the extent of the applicant's ability;

the administrator shall admit the applicant to the health center as a patient.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-4-6-10 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.24.

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