Counties Without Health Center; Contracts for Services

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Sec. 29. (a) The board of commissioners of a county that does not have a health center as provided in this chapter may contract for the care and treatment of the county's residents afflicted with tuberculosis and other chronic diseases with a county that has established a health center under this chapter. The board of commissioners of the county seeking care and treatment for the county's residents may contract directly with the health center.

(b) The county fiscal body of a contracting county shall appropriate out of the county's general fund an amount of money sufficient to meet the terms of the contract, and the money appropriated constitutes a special fund for that purpose. The:

(1) contracting county may levy a tax in an amount necessary to meet the terms of the contract; or

(2) commissioners may pay the amount due the health center out of the general fund.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-4-6-9 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.24.

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