Tuberculosis Defined; Contracting for Care of Afflicted Individuals; Utilization of Hospital Division; Care for Individuals Suffering From Other Chronic Diseases

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Sec. 27. (a) "Tuberculosis", as used in this section, includes other chronic diseases within the limitations set forth in subsection (c), unless the context clearly requires otherwise. However, the money that the state contributes for tuberculosis cases is not available for individuals not afflicted with tuberculosis.

(b) The board of managers may contract with persons, municipalities, counties, and other agencies for the care and treatment of individuals afflicted with tuberculosis or other chronic diseases.

(c) The board of managers shall determine, as of January 1 and July 1 of each year, whether the facilities of the hospital division are fully utilized in the case of patients suffering from tuberculosis. If the board of managers finds that:

(1) the facilities are not being fully utilized in the case of patients suffering from tuberculosis; and

(2) the demand for care of tuberculosis patients does not warrant the full utilization of the hospital division for that purpose;

the board of managers may authorize the hospital division to furnish nursing care and restorative services to individuals suffering from chronic illness other than tuberculosis, so that the facilities of the hospital division are fully utilized, upon the terms and conditions of admission, treatment, care, and payment that the board of managers prescribes.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-4-6-8 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.24.

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