Health Center Board of Managers; Duties

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Sec. 22. The board of managers shall do the following:

(1) Supervise the maintenance and operation and services of the health center.

(2) Supervise and safeguard the health, safety, welfare, and comfort of the patients and residents of the health center.

(3) Review and approve the annual budget of the health center before submission for final approval and request for appropriation by the board of commissioners, using budget forms and procedures prescribed by the state board of accounts and the chart of accounts for hospitals.

(4) Approve payment of all bills and accounts.

(5) Adopt rules and regulations for admissions to the health center as provided by law, subject to the approval of the board of commissioners.

(6) Recommend to the board of commissioners necessary additions, repairs, and improvements to the buildings and grounds and physical plant of the health center.

(7) Review annual estimates and requests for foods, supplies, and equipment for the health center.

(8) Plan for and interpret to the board of commissioners and the county council the requirements of the health center.

(9) Cooperate with other public and private agencies and facilities of the county and state.

(10) Improve and extend the services and facilities of the health center that the board of managers considers necessary or desirable.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-4-6-8 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.24.

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