Health Center Fund; Collection of Money; Premiums on Bonds and Insurance

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Sec. 19. (a) The administrator or the administrator's delegate shall do the following:

(1) Collect and receive all money due the hospital.

(2) Deposit all checks for collection in the name of the hospital in a bank designated by the board of commissioners of the county owning the hospital.

(3) Keep an accurate account of the money collected and checks deposited.

(4) Make a written report of the money collected and checks deposited to the board of managers at the regular monthly meeting of the board of managers.

(b) Within ten (10) days after a monthly meeting at which a report is presented under subsection (a)(4) on money collected and checks deposited, the board of managers shall cause the money to be transmitted to the treasurer of the county owning the hospital. The treasurer shall place the money in a special fund to be named the county health center fund.

(c) The county health center fund is for the use of the hospital and may not be used for any other purpose. Money from the fund may be disbursed only upon warrant issued by the county auditor.

(d) The board of managers shall allow the bills and accounts without advertising the filing of the claims and shall certify and transmit the claims to the county auditor, who shall provide for payment from appropriations made for that purpose by the county council.

(e) The premiums on all bonds and insurance that are required by this chapter, by law, or by the action of the board of commissioners shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses of the health center are paid out of the appropriation for fixed charges, unless otherwise expressly provided by law.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-4-6-7 part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.24.

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