Duration of suspension; obligations of company during suspension period; reinstatement.

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(1) The suspension of the license of a company shall be for such period not to exceed 1 year as is fixed by the office in the order of suspension, unless the office shortens or rescinds such suspension or the order upon which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded, or reversed.

(2) During the period of suspension, the company shall file its annual statement and quarterly reports, pay fees, pay licenses, and pay taxes as required under this chapter as if the license had continued in full force.

(3) Upon expiration of the suspension period, if within such period the license has not otherwise terminated, the license of the company shall be reinstated automatically unless the office finds that the causes of the suspension have not been removed or that the company is otherwise not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The office shall give the company notice of any such finding not less than 30 days in advance of the expiration of the suspension period. If not so automatically reinstated, the license shall be deemed to have expired as of the end of the suspension period or upon failure of the company to continue the license during the suspension period, whichever event first occurs.

(4) Upon reinstatement of the license of a company or reinstatement of the certificate of authority of an insurer following suspension, the authority of its salespersons in this state to represent the company or insurer shall likewise be reinstated. The office shall promptly notify the company or insurer and its salespersons of record in this state of such reinstatement.

History.—s. 11, ch. 59-110; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 10, 32, 33, ch. 82-234; s. 134, ch. 83-216; s. 68, ch. 91-106; ss. 7, 20, ch. 93-195; s. 456, ch. 97-102; s. 1427, ch. 2003-261.

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