Accuracy of instructional materials.

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(1) In addition to relying on statements of publishers or manufacturers of instructional materials, the commissioner may conduct or cause to be conducted an independent investigation to determine the accuracy of state-adopted instructional materials.

(2) When errors in state-adopted materials are confirmed, the publisher of the materials shall provide to each district school board that has purchased the materials the corrections in a format approved by the department.

(3) The commissioner may remove materials from the list of state-adopted materials if he or she finds that the content is in error and the publisher refuses to correct the error when notified by the department.

(4) The commissioner may remove materials from the list of state-adopted materials at the request of the publisher if, in his or her opinion, there is no material impact on the state’s education goals.

History.—s. 310, ch. 2002-387; s. 27, ch. 2011-55.

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