Bids or proposals; advertisement and its contents.

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(1)(a) Beginning on or before May 15 of any year in which an instructional materials adoption is to be initiated, the department shall advertise in the Florida Administrative Register 4 weeks preceding the date on which the bids shall be received, that at a certain designated time, not later than June 15, sealed bids or proposals to be deposited with the department will be received from publishers or manufacturers for the furnishing of instructional materials proposed to be adopted as listed in the advertisement beginning April 1 following the adoption.

(b) The advertisement shall state that, beginning in 2010-2011, each bidder shall furnish electronic sample copies of all instructional materials submitted, at a time designated by the department, which copies shall be identical with the copies approved and accepted by state instructional materials reviewers, as prescribed in this section, and with the copies furnished to the department and district school superintendents, as provided in this part. A school district may not request samples in addition to the electronic sample copies.

(c) The advertisement shall state that a contract covering the adoption of the instructional materials shall be for a definite term.

(d) The advertisement shall fix the time within which the required contract must be executed and shall state that the department reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

(e) The advertisement shall give information regarding digital specifications that have been adopted by the department, including minimum format requirements that will enable electronic and digital content to be accessed through the district’s local instructional improvement system and a variety of mobile, electronic, and digital devices. Beginning with specifications released in 2014, the digital specifications shall include requiring the capability for searching by state standards and site and student-level licensing. Such digital format specifications shall be appropriate for the interoperability of the content. The department may not adopt specifications that require the instructional materials to include specific references to FCAT and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and benchmarks at the point of student use.

(2) The bids submitted shall be for furnishing the designated materials in accordance with specifications of the department. The bid shall state the lowest wholesale price at which the materials will be furnished, at the time the adoption period provided in the contract begins.

(3) The department shall require each publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials who submits a bid under this part to deposit with the department such sum of money or certified check as may be determined by the department, the amount to be not less than $500 and not more than $2,500, according to the number of instructional materials covered by the bid, which deposit shall be forfeited to the state and placed in the General Revenue Fund if the bidder making the deposit fails or refuses to execute the contract and bond within 30 days after receipt of the contract in case his or her bid or proposal is accepted. The commissioner shall, upon determining that the deposit is correct and proper, transmit the deposit to the Chief Financial Officer, who shall deposit the funds for credit to the Textbook Bid Trust Fund and issue his or her official receipt.

(4) Sample copies of all instructional materials that have been made the bases of contracts under this part shall, upon request for the purpose of public inspection, be made available by the publisher to the department and the district school superintendent of each district school board that adopts the instructional materials from the state list upon request for the purpose of public inspection.

(5) Notwithstanding the requirements of this section and rules adopted to implement this section, for the 2020 adoption cycle, the department may establish timeframes for the advertisement and submission of bids for instructional materials. This subsection expires July 1, 2022.

History.—s. 308, ch. 2002-387; s. 1951, ch. 2003-261; s. 20, ch. 2010-154; s. 25, ch. 2011-55; s. 60, ch. 2013-14; s. 5, ch. 2020-94.

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