Eye-protective devices required in certain laboratory courses.

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(1) Eye-protective devices shall be worn by students, teachers, and visitors in courses including, but not limited to, chemistry, physics, or chemical-physical laboratories, at any time at which the individual is engaged in or observing an activity or the use of hazardous substances likely to cause injury to the eyes. Activity or the use of hazardous substances likely to cause injury to the eye includes:

(a) Heat treatment; tempering or kiln firing of any metal or other materials;

(b) Working with caustic or explosive materials; or

(c) Working with hot liquids or solids, including chemicals which are flammable, caustic, toxic, or irritating.

(2) District school boards shall furnish plano safety glasses or devices for students, may provide such glasses to teachers, and shall furnish such equipment for all visitors to such classrooms or laboratories, or may purchase such plano safety glasses or devices in large quantities and sell them at cost to students and teachers, but shall not purchase, furnish, or dispense prescription glasses or lenses.

History.—s. 275, ch. 2002-387.

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