Conflict between zoning regulations and other laws.

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Whenever any regulations made under authority of this subchapter require a greater width or size of yards, courts or other open spaces, or require a lower height of buildings or smaller number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than are required in or under any other statute or local regulation, the provisions of the regulations made under authority of this subchapter shall govern. Whenever the provisions of any other statute or local regulation require a greater width or size of yards, courts or other open spaces, or require a lower height of buildings or a lesser number of stories, or require a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than are required by any regulations made under authority of this subchapter, the provisions of such statute shall govern.

Whenever the provisions of any other statute shall derogate from the provisions of this subchapter, unless it be a statute granting powers to the State Planning Office, the provisions of this subchapter shall govern.

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