Section 62561.

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(a) The following security charges shall be in effect for any period for which the secretary has implemented collections under this chapter:

(1) 3.2 mills ($0.0032) per pound for fat contained in eligible milk of any class referred to in Section 1051.40 of the Federal Milk Marketing Order, whether pooled or nonpooled.

(2) 1.3 mills ($0.0013) per pound for solids-not-fat contained in eligible milk of any class referred to in Section 1051.40 of the Federal Milk Marketing Order, whether pooled or nonpooled.

(b) The secretary is only authorized by this article to collect security charges on eligible milk.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 304, Sec. 18. (AB 590) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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