Section 61414.

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(a) Any assessment or fee or either of them payable pursuant to any provision of this article is a debt of the person by whom the assessment or fee or either of them is payable and shall be due and payable to the director upon the date set forth in Section 61412. If the person does not pay the assessment or fee or either of them upon the required date, the director may file a complaint against that person in a state court of competent jurisdiction for the collection of the assessment or fee or either of them.

(b) If any such person does not pay to the director the assessments or fees or either of them provided for in this article, on or before the date specified in Section 61412, the director may add to the unpaid assessments or fees or either of them an amount not exceeding 10 percent of the unpaid assessment or fees or either of them to defray the cost of enforcing the collection of the unpaid assessments or fees or either of them.

(Added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 690, Sec. 1.)

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