Section 61411.

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Except as otherwise provided in Section 61411.2 or 61411.3, the purchase of any manufacturing milk in excess of 1,000 gallons monthly from any manufacturing milk producer without a written contract that has been executed and complies with all the requirements of this article is an unlawful practice. The contract shall include all of the following:

(a) The amount of manufacturing milk which is to be purchased for any period.

(b) The price to be paid for all manufacturing milk received.

(c) The date and method of payment for the manufacturing milk. Payment shall be made for the amount of the manufacturing milk delivered during the first 15 days of any calendar month not later than the first day of the next following month and for the amount delivered during the remainder of the month not later than the 15th day of the next following month.

(d) The charges for transportation, if hauled by the handler, which shall be the lower of either of the following:

(1) A rate not in excess of the rate charged for actual or reasonably similar services by highway carriers, as the term “highway carrier” is defined in Section 3511 of the Public Utilities Code.

(2) The actual amount paid by a handler for that transportation.

The contract may contain any other provisions that are not in conflict with this chapter. A signed copy of the contract shall be filed by the producer with the director within five days of the date of its execution.

This section does not apply to the purchase of milk which does not meet market milk standards in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 35751) of Part 2 of Division 15, when the milk has been processed on a dairy farm that held a valid market milk permit during the 30-day period preceding the purchase.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1101, Sec. 1.)

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