Section 29552.

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The director, upon petition of persons that are interested in the production or handling of honey, or upon his own motion, may establish emergency standards for honey, standard units of net weight, type of container, color classifications, or marking upon any container, if he makes any of the following findings regarding any provision of this chapter which relates to any of such subjects:

(a) It is difficult or impossible of performance by reason of laws or orders promulgated by authority of the government of the United States, or the standard weights are not appropriate for the country of destination as to honey intended to be shipped outside the United States, or because of scarcity of materials, labor, or equipment used in the production or marketing of honey regulated by this chapter.

(b) It results in a serious waste of honey otherwise available for human consumption, or in serious waste of other resources.

(c) It prevents the utilization of new technological developments to the serious disadvantage of producers or handlers of honey in this state.

(Enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15.)

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