Section 29305.

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(a) Any penalties recovered under this chapter, whether criminal or civil, shall be paid into a special account maintained by the department, and shall be used for the administration of Section 29302, except that up to 50 percent of the costs incurred by a district attorney in prosecuting a case under Section 29302 shall be reimbursed from whatever penalties are obtained from the prosecution.

(b) In determining the amount of any civil or criminal penalty provided for in this chapter, the court shall consider the seriousness of the conduct, and all relevant circumstances including, but not limited to, the extent of the harm caused by the conduct; the motive and persistence of the conduct; the length of time over which the conduct occurred; the economic impact on the person involved, whether a corporation or an individual; and any corrective action taken by the person.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1404, Sec. 2.)

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