Section 29302.

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(a) Unless otherwise stated, it shall be an infraction for any person to fail to comply with any requirement of this chapter, or regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter, after a warning notice of seven days is given. However, there shall be no warning notice for infractions involving the following sections:

(1) Subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 29046.

(2) Subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 29056.

(3) Section 29072.

(4) Section 29111.

(5) Section 29113.

(6) Section 29120.

(7) Section 29126.

(8) Section 29127.

(9) Section 29145.

(10) Section 29150.

(11) Section 29170.

(12) Section 29171.

(13) Section 29172.

(14) Section 29173.

(15) Section 29204.

(b) Violations shall be referred to the district attorney in the affected county, or to the Attorney General if the district attorney is not able to prosecute the matter. For purposes of this chapter, each incident shall constitute a separate infraction. When violations of provisions governing hives or colonies are involved, each separate hive or colony shall constitute a separate infraction. Notwithstanding any other law, the maximum penalty of each infraction shall be one hundred dollars ($100) for the first hive or colony, plus one dollar ($1) for each additional hive or colony not in compliance, as applicable to a maximum penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), except that a violation of Section 29070 or 29070.5 shall be subject to a maximum fifty dollar ($50) fine. This section does not prevent the secretary or the commissioner from initiating any procedures for issuance of a prior warning notice or notice to correct.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 370, Sec. 122. (SB 1371) Effective January 1, 2021.)

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