Section 29208.

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(a) If abatement is by burning, the person abating shall act in accordance with applicable air pollution control district or air quality maintenance district regulations and state and local fire control laws. If the regulations or laws prohibit burning immediately, the diseased colonies shall be sealed and placed in an enclosed structure and thereafter burned on the first date allowed by the regulation or law. All the activities shall be reported to the inspector prior to burning, who may require that burning occur only under his or her supervision.

(b) The inspector’s supervison shall be in addition to, but not in conflict with, the applicable air pollution control district or air quality management district regulations and fire control laws. Burning without the knowledge of the inspector is a violation of this section.

(c) If abatement is by delivery to a licensed wax salvage plant, the person abating shall provide the inspector with information as to the date and location of delivery.

(d) If the inspector determines that abatement by burning is appropriate, the inspector’s costs for supervising the burning shall be borne by the beekeeper with the diseased hives.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1404, Sec. 2.)

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