Section 29207.

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If American foulbrood is found in an apiary, the abatement shall be by killing the bees in the infested colonies and disposing of the hives and their contents, together with any other infested comb, hives, and associated appliances which are found in the apiary, in one of the following ways:

(a) By delivery to a licensed wax salvage plant pursuant to this chapter.

(b) By burning in a manner as set forth in Section 29208, the contents of the diseased colonies, including the bees, comb, and associated frames, together with any other diseased combs, and associated frames, which are found in the apiary in one of the following ways and disinfecting by scorching the hive bodies, covers, bottom boards, supers, and appliances associated with them:

(1) Burning in a pit and burying the ashes not less than two feet below the surface of the ground.

(2) Burning in an incinerator approved by the director. This section does not prevent federal and state research agencies from securing, transporting, and maintaining infested bees, comb, hives, appliances, or colonies pursuant to Section 29074.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1404, Sec. 2.)

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