Section 29203.

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If infestation is found in an apiary, the inspector shall notify the owner or person in charge or possession of the apiary in writing. The notice shall state the nature of the pest infestation found and the manner in which the inspector has marked the hives or any part thereof which contain evidence of the infestation and shall order the abatement of the infestation within a specified time. No person after receiving notice shall refuse or neglect to abate the infestation within the time specified in the notice or order.

If the inspector, in his or her judgment, believes summary abatement is necessary, the inspector may do so, or require that abatement be performed under his or her direct supervision. The inspector may also issue a hold order against the apiary, giving notice that the apiary is held to the owner or bailee and posting a copy of the hold order in a conspicuous place in the apiary. No person, who has been given notice of a hold order, shall move the apiary or any part of the apiary or any other bee equipment from the location unless authorized by the inspector, until the hold order is released.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1404, Sec. 2.)

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