Section 29102.

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(a) The director shall adopt regulations necessary to minimize the hazard to bees, while still providing for the reasonable and necessary application of pesticides toxic to bees to blossoming plants. The regulations may be limited to specific blossoming plants.

(b) Regulations adopted pursuant to this section may be applicable to either the entire state or specified areas of the state. Regulations that are applicable to only specified areas of the state shall include provisions for the mandatory notice of movement of apiaries, including any relocation thereof within the area to which the regulations are applicable.

(c) The regulations may also include provisions for timely notification of apiary owners of proposed pesticide applications, and limitations on the time and method of application of pesticides and the pesticides used.

(Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1404, Sec. 2. Note: See this section as modified on July 17, 1991, in Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1991.)

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