Section 29101.

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(a) Each beekeeper shall report to the commissioner of the county in which the beekeeper’s apiary is located, on a form approved by the secretary, each location of apiaries for which notification of pesticide usage is sought. This report for notification may be filed with and be part of the form used for registration pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 29040), or shall be submitted in writing if notice of relocation is made as set forth in Section 29070 or 29070.5. Except for reports filed as part of an initial registration pursuant to Section 29040, each request shall be mailed within 72 hours before locating an apiary, where feasible, but in no event later than 72 hours after locating an apiary.

(b) The beekeeper shall not be entitled to notification until receipt and processing of the report is made by the commissioner. However, the commissioner may provide notice earlier if practicable.

(c) Notice to pesticide applicators shall not be required until the written report by the beekeeper has been received and processed by the commissioner, except that the commissioner may provide notice earlier if practicable.

(d) The commissioner shall process the written report as expeditiously as reasonable, but shall not exceed 16 working hours. The 16-hour period shall commence upon receipt of the written report.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 300, Sec. 6. (AB 450) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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