Section 29046.

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(a) No person shall maintain an apiary on premises other than that of his or her residence unless the apiary is identified as follows:

(1) By a sign that is prominently displayed on the entrance side of the apiary or stenciled on the hive, that states in dark letters not less than one inch in height on a background of contrasting color, the name of the owner or person responsible for the apiary, his or her address and telephone number, or if he or she has no telephone, a statement to that effect.

(2) If the governing body of the county or city in which the apiary is located has provided by ordinance for the identification of apiaries, in the manner that is prescribed in the ordinance.

(b) No person shall locate or maintain an apiary on private land not owned or leased by the person unless the person has approval from the owner of record, or an authorized agent of the owner of record, and can establish approval upon demand of the secretary or commissioner. The approval shall include the name and phone number of the person granting approval.

(c) (1) No person shall locate or maintain an apiary on any public land without the expressed oral or written approval of the entity that owns, leases, controls, or occupies the land, and can establish this approval upon demand of the secretary or the commissioner. The approval shall include the name and telephone number of the person granting the approval. During the citrus bloom period, as established by the commissioner, including 72 hours before the declaration of the bloom period until 48 hours after the conclusion of the bloom period, the apiary operator shall obtain written permission to place bees on public land, and shall make it available to the secretary or the commissioner upon demand. Any apiary located or maintained on public land without lawful consent is a public nuisance and may be subject to seizure by the secretary or the commissioner.

(2) The secretary or commissioner may commence proceedings in the superior court of the county or city and county in which the seizure is made petitioning the court for judgment forfeiting the apiary. Upon the filing of the petition, the clerk of the court shall fix a time for a hearing and cause notices to be posted for 14 days in at least three public places in the place where the court is held, if the person owning the apiary is unknown, setting forth the substance of the petition and the time and place fixed for its hearing. At that time, the court shall hear and determine the proceeding and upon proof that the apiary was located or maintained on public lands without approval of the entity, may order the apiary forfeited. Any apiary so forfeited shall be sold or destroyed by the secretary or the commissioner. The proceeds from all sales shall be used in accordance with Section 29032.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 320, Sec. 3. (AB 2468) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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