Section 24122.

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The certificate of inspection shall be signed by the inspector of the program and shall indicate all of the following:

(a) The place and date of inspection and the number of animals inspected.

(b) The sex, breed, color, approximate height and weight, approximate age, natural marks and identifying scars, and a description of each brand or tattoo and its location on each animal.

(c) If the animal is to be transported, the names of the shipper and consignee and the point of origin and the final destination of the shipment.

(d) If the animal is to be transported, the length of time necessary to transport the animal between the point of inspection and the point of final destination. The inspector shall determine the amount of time needed for this purpose, based upon the information provided to him or her at the time of inspection.

The certificate issued pursuant to this section shall only be valid for transportation purposes during the period of time specified on the certificate by the inspector.

(Added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 747, Sec. 2.)

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